Sunday, January 19, 2014

The Diary of a Cartoonist

Dear Mr. Diary,
A funny thing happened today.
I was sitting at my drawing table staring at a blank bristol board.
Mr. bristol seemed to be staring back at me.
By the way: this is not the funny thing that I mentioned happening.
The funny thing that happened to me was that as I sat there
staring at Mr. bristol I could not think of a funny thing to write.
I just sat there staring at Mr. bristol while he -
or at least seemed to - stared back.
We kept this up for what seemed like an hour.
In reality it was only 53 minutes and 33 seconds.
I then decided to pick up my sketchbook
and sketch and/or doodle a funny face.
The reason I did this - and this is the reason -
was in the hopes that the funny face would
somehow, someway, inspire me to write something funny.
After I sketched/doodled the funny face
I laughed and laughed and laughed for almost an hour.
It was only 55 minutes and 29 seconds.
But I still couldn't think of a funny thing to write.
So I sketched/doodled another funny face.
Maybe this time it would work. I would look at this second
funny face and the words of funny would just come flowing out.

But the only thing that came flowing out was more
almost an hour long laughter.
This time it was only 55 minutes and 32 seconds.
As I looked at the next page in my sketchbook I thought to myself:
"Do I dare sketch/doodle a third funny face?
Will it be a third time's the charm moment or will it be
a three strikes and you're out moment?"
Well Mr. Diary that's all for now. I'll let you know what happened
the next time we get together.
C. A. Toone

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