Special Agent Report:
The bad guys had captured Jack 24 and then put him in a box.
They let us know this and where he could be found.
When we arrived at the warehouse we thought that
it might be some sort of trap.
We checked around for about an hour - after we
had determined that it was safe I went to the box
and knocked on it. I heard a voice but I couldn't make
out what was being said. - So I knocked again and
I said, "Jack is that you in there?"
A voice said "It's me!" So I said, "Are you sure that's you
Jack?" The voice said, "Yes, It's me!" So I said, "Are
you absolutely, positively, sure it's you, Jack?"
The voice said, "Yes! Yes! I'm sure you son of a......"
Agent Jack 24 called me a son of a something or other.
I did not catch what it was as I was laughing quite loudly.
After I stopped laughing so much I proceeded to open
the box with a hammer that was left on top of it.
After I took the top off I looked inside and there was Jack.
He seemed angry but looked fine.
He asked me to help him stand up because he could
hardly move his legs. He told me that they were numb.
So I helped him to stand up.
I told him that I would help him to get out of the box
but that there was something that I just had to do first.
He asked me, "What do you have to do?"
I told him that I was going to get a quick selfie.
After all it's not everyday that I see a real live Jack in the box.
He told me to go and.....well I won't say the rest.
I'm sure he was just blowing off steam because he
was captured and put inside of a box and all.
Hope you enjoy the selfie.
Agent Happy 2