8 New Videos on YouTube
"Hey guys and gals lets all go and check out the 8 new videos"
8 Videos Uploaded To YouTube
We've uploaded 8 videos to YouTube:
The Plane The Plane - What The Art!-Plane?
Mr. Pooch The First Video
Mr, Pooch: Back For Seconds
Mr. Pooch Book Review
Mr. Pooch in Lookie A Cookie
How to Draw Mr. Pooch
Mr. Pooch: The Puppy Joke
Mr. Pooch: M. C. Preach-Sure C. D.
Hopefully you'll find something to your liking.
Hopefully we'll get better at making videos.
Hopefully we'll get over our sore throat ASAP.
Spoiler Alert: We just might do some more videos featuring the righteous tunes of M.C. PreachSure.
"Preach it 'til you reach it." Indeed!
BTW: It takes about an hour to upload a 2 minute video - is this the usual or is there a quicker way to do it?