When you can't get a good night's sleep you are losing sleep.
When you are losing sleep, you are losing dreams.
To put it another way, the less that you sleep,
the less your chances are of entering the world of dreams.
Perhaps one of those dreams might be one
that changes your life for the better.
How could a dream change your life for the better you ask?
What if you had a dream about an invention that you
could make and sell for a small or not so small fortune?
Or what if you dream about a new kind of burger that you can create
and sell and then laugh all the way to the restaurant?
Or what if you dream about an article about...
uh....ummm....dreams and it turns out dreamy, just dreamy?
Now sometimes it's just not possible to not lose sleep
given certain situations and/or circumstances in your life.
What, you think, can one do about losing sleep then?
Perhaps some warm milk will do the trick?
We shall see as we, hopefully, sleep.
Until next time, here's hoping that you do not lose sleep or dreams.
Cartoon dreams and caricature wishes - Ye Editor