Tuesday, March 31, 2015

It's Getting Nutty - PhotoArt

"It's getting nutty."
"Speak for yourself, pal."

What The Squirrelly!

Pelican In The Water - PhotoArt

"Come on in the water's fine and a little wet."
A pelican is a pelican is a pelican!

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Black & White Ladies - VanCasso The Painter Comics

Meanwhile in the art studio of Mr. VanCasso:
What The Experimentation!

Sometimes Life Sucks - The TigerCat Kid Comics

One day while looking at a litter of thirsty puppy dogs:
What The That's The Spirit!
* * * * * * *
What The Quicktoon!

Friday, March 27, 2015

You Know Life Is Hard - The TigerCat Kid Comics

A cartoon look at the serious:
What The Whatcha Gonna Do?!

Cartooning & Sketching For The Fun Of It - Color & Black Ink Pens

Page 1 includes a Martial Arts Comic Art panel: Mamma Mia!
Page 2 includes this and that: Mamma Mia!

What The Mamma Mia! That Never Gets Old!

Dust In The Wind? - The Bengal Brothers Comics

One day Rif and Raf are discussing an emailed video:
What The Kansas Or Scorpions?!

Some Kind Of Bridge - Acrylic Painting

Some Kind of Bridge:
What The That's What It Is Allright, Some Kind Of Bridge!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Silver Surfer, BatMan & SuperMan? - FanArt Comics

We think the following are supposed to be
Silver Surfer, Batman & SuperMan:
What The Plus Galactus & The Riddler!

Caricatures & Mad About Sports - FanArt Comics

We took a pen and a copy of Mad About Sports
by Frank Jacobs & Jack Rickard and....
What The Cackle!
* * * * *
Oh My Guffaw!

Sketching & Caricaturing

Color & Black Pen =
What The Some Of Everything!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Mad Rooster Vs Major Fried Chicken Man - The Bengal Brothers Comics

One evening Rif and Raf are at a comedy club listening to
Sal Loone, The King of Crazy Crazed Comedy:
What The Cockadoodle Doozy!

Beauty And The Beach - Mixed Media

We called this one Beauty And The Beach:
What The Maybe There's A Beast Beneath The Depths!

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sketch Cat, Sketch!

There once was a cat that could sketch,
While the dog next door could fetch,
This cat would rather take up and sketch,
He would sketch in the day,
And he would sketch in the night,
To say that this cat was dedicated would by no means be a stretch!
What The Have Claw Will Draw!

I'm Not Bruce Lee - Mamma Mia Comics

Two panels of Martial Arts Comic Arts:
What The If You Say So!

Dog Protects Boy - Nice Doggy Comics

Pick the one in the middle:
What The Picking On The Wrong Kid!

Drawing Characters - Sketch Book

Some characters you wouldn't want to meet in a dark alley...
...unless they would treat you to a complete Chicken Nacho dinner!
* * * * *
What The With Fresh Avocado!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

The Rifleman And Mark Twain - The Bengal Brothers Comics

One day Rif and Raf are discussing literary history:
What The They Met On An Episode Of The Rifleman!

The Singing Cat - Nine Lives Comics

The Singing Cat:
There is a cat that can sing,
He sings for his food,
He sings for his milk,
And when he sings it's smoother than silk,
So if you ever hear the cat that can sing,
Don't be a rude thing,
It is food and milk you should bring!
* * * * * * * * *
What The Both And Not Either Or! 

Alone Again, Nature Rally - Scrap Paper Sketching

"Alone Again, Nature Rally"
What The Whatever That Means!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Thursday, March 19, 2015

"We Miss Our Mommy" - Noir Eyes Trio

"We Miss Our Mommy!"
We guess you can call them weaklings, but beware.
The last time a group of alligators called them just that
and that's the last time a group of alligators called them that.
If you catch what we're saying and know what we mean!
* * * * *
What The Tough Little Guys!

Tiger Like & Tiger Storm - 2 Acrylic Paintings

We call this one Tiger Like:
And we call this one Tiger Storm:

What The What Else Can You Call Them?!
* * * * *
What The How About Odd Dern Art?!

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

It's An Ugly World - The Bengal Brothers Comics

Here we have an 8 panel comic:
What The Yup There's 8 Of Them!

Beware Of Dog - Look Out Comics

Here we have a one panel comic:
What The What Won't They Think Of Next?!
What The Don't Look Now But Run!

Super Hero Poster? - Sketch Paper Pad & Pencil

Here we have a page out of our sketch paper pad:
What The That's What It Looks Like All Right!

Sketch Booklet Comics - 4 Pages

Here we have the pages called 1 & 2:
And here we have the pages called 3 & 4:

What The Yup That's 4 Pages All Right!

Monday, March 16, 2015

I Miss My Mom: The Sequel? - The TigerCat Kid & Fearse

When The TigerCat Kid said that he missed his Mom
He was speaking from the heart.
A heart filled with the sorrow of a boy...
a kid...who's missing his Mother.
He was feeling bad about his Mother and he was also
feeling bad about feeling so much sorrow and sadness.
He thought that if he was as "tough" as his friend
Fearse the sadness would not be able to grip his heart
in such an intense and troubling way.
Fortunately for him his friend could empathize with what
he was going through and feeling.
Fearse also knew what it was like to miss the presence
of  his Mother and he assured his young friend that
there was nothing wrong about having such feelings.
And in his own way he let his young friend know that it
doesn't matter if some would think of him as being weak
for having such feelings.
To put it another way, just because The TigerCat Kid's
strong feelings for his Mother made him feel weak,
does not mean that he was.
If this be weakness! Let us hope that there's much more of
this kind of "weakness." Yes Indeed! And then some!
- Ye Editor

Mona Cheesa By The Lake If You Pleasa - Mixed Media

Mona Cheesa By The Lake If You Pleasa:
What The Don't You Go And Sneeza!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

I Miss My Mom - The TigerCat Kid Comics

One day The TigerCat Kid is sitting down in the forrest:
What The Introducing A Big Bad Cat Named Fearse!

Crazy Cellphones - The Bengal Brothers Comics

One day Rif and Raf are watching a Reality TV Show:
What The Really?!
What The Reality!

Friday, March 13, 2015

The Woman And The Paintings - MarkerPiece

Here we have a woman standing in front of some paintings:
What The Is That What It's Supposed To Be?!
* * * * *
On a more serious note:
It appears that MarkerPieceMania Is Running Wild
And Then Some! - Ye Editor

After The Dance - MarkerPiece

Matisse did a painting called The Dance:
What The And The Rest Is Aspiring Art History!

Lady Red Cheeks - MarkerPiece

We called this one Lady Red Cheeks because...
What The What Else Would You Call It?!

Keyhole To Color - MarkerPiece

Stare, if you dare, into the keyhole of color:
What The Eye See You!

Lady With Red Necklace - MarkerPiece

She does have a red necklace so don't get reckless:
What The And Red Earrings Too!

Thursday, March 12, 2015