The TigerCat Kid looks at a poster of a forthcoming book (?):
(Perhaps the following will explain the above):
The Comics Since 1945: April Fools 1997 & Comics Abot The Comics & Cartoonists
The Comics Since 1945 by Brian Walker inspired a couple of questions.
1. But first a quote: "On April Fools' Day 1997, forty six syndicated artists
swapped features in "The Great Comics Switcheroonie." Mike Peters ghosted
For Better or For Worse, and Garfield and Jon moved in with Blondie and
Dagwood in the crossover spoof." (p. 282)
And now for the 1st question: Is there a book or a website with these forty six
swapped comic strips?
2. The book has several comics about the comics:
A character reading the comics, talking to a cartoonist, talking about cartooning, etc.
The Dilbert strip on p. 280 starts with Dogbert saying "I'm creating a comic
strip called "Pippy the Ziphead."
Garfield looks in a mirror and sees Snoopy, p. 206.
Some of the other strips included are: Sam's Strip - Walker & Dumas, Pp. 144-145,
Family Circus - Keane, Pp. 8-9, They'll Do It Everytime - Scaduto, p. 11,
B.C. - Hart (Tribute to past Cartoonists), p. 14, Thatch - Shesol, p. 282, etc.
Question number two: Is there a book or website that has other comic strips
like these or to paraphrase good ol' Charlie Brown:
"Is this pretty much all there is?"
Thank you,
Tony Montano